Neil Young-Le Noise
On first listen of this record I was pretty disappointed. Neil's one of those artists that I often hail as untouchable, but he's put out so many records over the years that they're not all going to be immaculate (in my eyes).
At times, this album threatens to take hear Neil's raw guitar sound and you're ready to head into a messy, rock-fuelled classic. More often than not however, each track is slightly held back, and its urgency is lost. The first real highlight comes midway in the form of the acoustic 'Love And War'. This was the only track that impressed on my first listen and definitely stands alone.
The other acousic track on the record-'Peaceful Valley Boulevard' is probably the other strong point. I'm normally such a fan of Neil's electric sound that it was a surprise to me that my favourites were his softer songs. I think the rockier, electric tracks are missing the 'edge' that he is known for. They seem half-hearted a times. Perhaps it was a conscious decision not to recreate his classic sound...going for something different; but it just didn't work for me.
Listen out for a hint of 'In Those Jeans-Ginuwine' at the beginning of 'Peaceful Valley Boulevard'!!! Must be one of Neil's influences!!